Guile & Glory: Firstborn - Early Access Breakdown

Hello again, and welcome to another Guile & Glory: Firstborn development blog! We have just hit Early Access on, and you can start playing the game right now! We also still have a free demo available, if you want to get a feel for the game before you buy!

We're eager to work with our fantastic community to build the best game we can. With that in mind, we will be aiming to release weekly updates, alternating between bug fixes and smaller features one week, and larger content updates the next. We're a tiny team, so we probably won't be able to maintain that pace indefinitely, especially as we get closer to the Steam launch, but for now we want to keep the turnaround on content as fast as possible.
We'll finish off today's blog with a summary of what you can find in the Early Access build right now, and what we'll be rolling through in the next few weeks.

Current Version:
Two regions to explore (The Bone Wastes and The Road of Kings)
Three playable Heroes (plus a bonus guest character!)
Story mode with 17 combat scenarios, spanning 3 chapters
Optional challenges for every scenario
Three boss fights
Basic character progression

Coming Soon:
More Lorebook entries to discover
Optional collectables in combat scenarios
Expanded character progression
User interface improvement
Chapter 4
Free Mode - replay certain levels with your choice of unlocked heroes (and villains!)
Thank you for reading, and we hope you enjoyed this Guile & Glory: Firstborn development blog! We'll see you next time, when we announce the first Early Access patch!